пятница, 30 марта 2018 г.

I really like these monthly challenges that Back On Pointe posts! So I combined a few into my own suited to my needs. As a runner trying to get back into shape (as if I was ever in shape), I need to work on my core in order to improve my speed, SO this challenge targets your ABS and your BUTT. I#8217;m gonna try to do this for April!

I really like these monthly challenges that Back On Pointe posts! So I combined a few into my own suited to my needs. As a runner trying to get back into shape (as if I was ever in shape), I need to work on my core in order to improve my speed, SO this challenge targets your ABS and your BUTT. I#8217;m gonna try to do this for April!

Original article and pictures take https://jessaverant.tumblr.com site

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